Top 3 Reasons to Schedule Professional Photos

I had a client a few years ago that regularly scheduled her children’s photo sessions at 6 months, 9 months, one year old and so on. Like many busy moms she never got around to ordering many prints but kept scheduling those sessions. When their family moved out of state the sessions stopped (with me as the photographer anyway) but recently she contacted me to make some professional prints from those images. What fun it was to print photos of her babies who aren’t babies anymore! It was a trip down memory lane for me and my client but a few things struck me as important and worth sharing … here is why my client was so smart to do what she did.

Top 3 Reasons to Schedule Professional Photos

  1. Your children grow up so fast
    I know, everyone tells you this, from grandparents to the people in line behind you in the grocery store, but it’s TRUE. So Stinking fast. And nothing is quite as fast as that first year. I am amazed at the difference between photographing a one week old baby compared to a three week old baby,  it’s like night and day! So here’s a good first year plan: Newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and one year old. Then every year after that. Or another way to think of it is” Brand New, Smiling, Sitting, Crawling, Standing up”. I offer First Year Baby Plans with discounts on sessions and prints that can make the whole process easier and less expensive! It’s also important to schedule yearly photo sessions for children and your family – keep the magic happening!
  2. Photographs = time travel This past weekend I was cleaning out a cabinet and came across some photo albums from my first year in Colorado (circa 1995). Every photo took me back to a time and place and I couldn’t stop flipping through the pages. Okay, yes partly because I was SO young. AND thin! But mainly because it brought back so many memories.  Photos of your family and your children will do this for you, too. Certainly, your own personal snapshots have that power but also the times where a professional photographer captured your child’s personality or your family having fun!
  3.  It’s an investment.  Professional photographs tell the story of who you are and who your children are in this moment in time. Invest your time and money into documenting your family history – it’s so worth it!

Here are a few images I printed for that smart client …


family of threebaby photography arvada COTop 3 Reasons to Schedule Professional PhotosBaby Photographer Denverfunny facesdenver baby photographyjoyfamily of fourArvada CO baby photographerChildrens Photogapher Denver



Office: 303-423-0933

Cell: 720-431-3966


by appt. only: 5711 Allison St.

Arvada, Colorado 80002





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- Arvada Family Photographer-

Arvada Family Photographer, Beth Wedlake creates stylish images of your family, child and high school senior. 26 years in business, 30 years in photography. Home studio located in Olde Town Arvada, Colorado. Service area includes Denver Metro area - Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Morrison, Golden, Westminster, Thorton, Brighton, Superior, Boulder, CO and more.

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