Senior Pictures Olde Town Arvada

I love photographing in Olde Town Arvada – so many options all within a few blocks. It works especially well for high school senior photography! At the beginning of my career I worked at a busy senior portrait studio. The owner built a portrait park behind the studio with a different look every few feet -things like an adobe wall, a waterfall, ivy, etc. I don’t have to build a portrait park because my home studio is just four blocks from Olde Town so I have everything I could want in a portrait park …. and more!

Chase was great to work with and is one of those guys who looks good either smiling or serious. He plays hockey and is a senior this year at Ralston Valley High School.

Senior Pictures Olde Town Arvada

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Office: 303-423-0933

Cell: 720-431-3966


by appt. only: 5711 Allison St.

Arvada, Colorado 80002





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- Arvada Family Photographer-

Arvada Family Photographer, Beth Wedlake creates stylish images of your family, child and high school senior. 26 years in business, 30 years in photography. Home studio located in Olde Town Arvada, Colorado. Service area includes Denver Metro area - Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Morrison, Golden, Westminster, Thorton, Brighton, Superior, Boulder, CO and more.

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Wedlake Photographic