health + happiness

The last couple weeks I’ve been on a crazy ride.

It involved doctors offices, urgent care, an ambulance, two emergency rooms, a dermatologist and three days in the hospital. It started with a contact dermatitis rash and a scratch on my leg that looked a little iffy. The rash quickly spread,  became scary and eventually turned into a skin infection. I’ll spare you the grizzly details but suffice it to say it was not a fun time. I had two “Aha”moments in all of this.


1. I have an amazing, wonderful life and too often I just take it for granted.

2.  Health is so important.


My husband, who is also a photographer, was able to cover some sessions for me and was there for me every step of the way. My kids gave me hugs and kisses and beautiful “get well soon” artwork. My clients were understanding and supportive, my friends and neighbors came with food ( the most delicious meal train I’ve ever been on) and watched our kids or picked them up from school, my church family prayed for me. The phone rang off the hook with friends and family checking in for daily updates. I am so lucky to have this wonderful community of people. I am so lucky to have this wonderful life! Even though the cause of the rash is a mystery ( something like poison ivy but no one thought it was actually poison ivy) and I couldn’t control this health problem there are other things I can control to make health a priority. I have new inspiration to just that.

Thank you to everyone who rescheduled a session, called,sent a note, text or e-mail, brought a meal, said a prayer or thought good thoughts for me. I am so blessed.

Yeah, it would be pretty easy for me to get bummed about paying medical bills this year instead of taking a vacation but whenever I get down about that I think of Jen Burgess Thompson – another photographer who has missed a lot more than a week of her life to illness and who has much, MUCH bigger medical expenses. You can follow her battle with ovarian cancer here:

and if so inpired donate to her cause :

I am thankful for the reminder that life is precious and so happy to be back doing work I love –  fully immersed in my amazing life.






Office: 303-423-0933

Cell: 720-431-3966


by appt. only: 5711 Allison St.

Arvada, Colorado 80002





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- Arvada Family Photographer-

Arvada Family Photographer, Beth Wedlake creates stylish images of your family, child and high school senior. 26 years in business, 30 years in photography. Home studio located in Olde Town Arvada, Colorado. Service area includes Denver Metro area - Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Morrison, Golden, Westminster, Thorton, Brighton, Superior, Boulder, CO and more.

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Wedlake Photographic