getting ready for WPPI

I leave for WPPI – Wedding and Portrait Photographers International Convention in Las Vegas on Monday morning. This is the first year I will be attending and I’m very excited!  I recently joined WPPI after spending the first decade of my career in PPA ( Professional Photographers of America) and there are so many things I am looking forward to …

  • flying on an airplane without having to entertain two small children.I could read a book because I won’t be spending all my time making balloon animals!
  • seeing Las Vegas for the first time! I hear it’s very cool. 
  • getting my own hotel room at the MGM Grand  – ahhh. decadent.
  • the  great speakers – learning new photography techniques, new marketing ideas and new ways of doing things.
  • the Blues Travler concert!
  • seeing faces I know in a crowd of ten thousand people.
  • the trade show and finding lots of great new products for my clients.

I’m doing this trip to grow myself and my work but as great as it will be for me I’ll miss my family a little bit. Paul used to attend seminars with me “before kids” and after you’ve been married awhile you get used to having a “built in date” and experiencing things as a couple. Also, I’ve never been away from the kids for this long before. I know they’ll be fine. It’s good for all of us. It’s going to be crazy though not wearing my “Mommy hat” for four days! Who am I kidding. I’ll be calling home all the time ( :



Office: 303-423-0933

Cell: 720-431-3966


by appt. only: 5711 Allison St.

Arvada, Colorado 80002





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- Arvada Family Photographer-

Arvada Family Photographer, Beth Wedlake creates stylish images of your family, child and high school senior. 26 years in business, 30 years in photography. Home studio located in Olde Town Arvada, Colorado. Service area includes Denver Metro area - Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Morrison, Golden, Westminster, Thorton, Brighton, Superior, Boulder, CO and more.

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Wedlake Photographic